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Inclusive Teaching
These workshops are intended for anyone within UBC’s teaching and learning community (faculty, staff, postdocs, graduate students) with an interest in inclusive teaching practices. We welcome participants from a broad spectrum of existing knowledge, experience and backgrounds. While inclusive teaching can be defined in many ways, below is our working definition of inclusive teaching:
Inclusive teaching refers to intentional approaches to curriculum, course design, teaching practice, and assessment that create a learning environment where all students feel that their differences are valued and respected, have equitable access to learning and other educational opportunities, and are supported to learn to their full potential. Rather than being a static checklist, inclusive teaching can change depending on context. It is a lens that guides instructors to consider and address the ways historical and systemic inequities continue to shape students’ learning experiences. Adapted from University of Michigan’s Centre for Research on Teaching and Learning
For more information and resources, visit inclusiveteaching.ctlt.ubc.ca